Simple Tips To Start A Pottery Business

If you have the love of your choice of business, it is one key to succeed. Think of this: no business becomes successful when you have no heart for it. If you have an interest in potteries, it means you also love plants. If you only like pots alone, you can become successful, but if you love both plants and pots, the success is probably on fire. You can go to this site to help you start a small pottery business and make it bigger sooner by following the guidelines here.

Pottery business capital

To start your pottery business, you should prepare your capital financially and creatively. Financials are not just the fundamental capital to start the business because you need knowledge and skills to start this business. Financial matter is not the foundation to start a pottery business, but the skill and creativity before money follows. Combining creativity with entrepreneurship to begin a pottery business is a big combo.

Pottery skills

It is not about the love of pots, but the skills of pottery. Don’t think that you love pots, you can have a pottery business. You will be considered the middleman in this business, being the distributor of potteries. What is the most successful pottery business is the pottery makers.

You must have a strong foundation in pottery. There are ways to enhance your pottery skills, you can invest in the following:

  • Pottery classes
  • Attending workshops
  • Practice consistently

You can experiment with the different techniques and glazes to develop your unique pottery style.

Business plan


Creating a business plan applies to any business. Start outlining these significant factors:

  • business goals
  • target market
  • pricing strategy
  • financial projections

Start identifying your niche in the pottery market, such as:

  • functional pottery
  • decorative pieces
  • custom order
  • a combination

Make it a legal business!

Register your pottery business and get the required licenses or permits. Choose a business structure for your business and register it accordingly. Start setting up a separate business bank account to keep personal and business finances different. Securing your business legally helps you face no problem with the BIR and DTI. In this case, you can freely distribute your pots locally and even nationwide.

Create a workspace

Setting up a well-ventilated pottery workshop with proper lighting helps maintain the quality of the finished product. It is best to invest in necessary tools and equipment, including:

  • Pottery wheel
  • Kiln
  • Clay
  • Glazes
  • Other materials needed

Keep in mind that the quality of your pots is based on your choice of materials for production. Check the source materials by establishing relationships with the suppliers, considering the following factors:

  • Cost
  • Quality
  • Reliability

Develop an inventory

It is essential to create a range of pottery pieces, showcasing your skills and attracting potential customers. Start developing a signature line that sets your work apart from the other the same businesses in the marketplace. For example, you can make a unique signature that is noticeable, but unrecognizable or can’t destroy the appeal of the pot.

Have a successful pottery business!